My Gr-grandmother was born in Alexandria, MN on 14 March 1864. Her name was Susan Surilla STRUTHERS. Her father was Luther Martin STRUTHERS; mother was Mary BISEK STRUTHERS. Any information that you have on her birth, brothers, sisters, father's occupation, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for information on the family of William and Bridget CARROLL who were listed in the 1880 census for Douglas County. They had 7 children: John, Ellen, Patrick, Rosanna, William James, Bridget, and Thomas. Thank you very much.
I am looking for information about the following sisters: Ida KAUFMAN, b. 19 May 1901, d. 25 Jul 1987 in Alexandria, MN - married to Emil LADE; Erma KAUFMAN, b. 4 May 1906, d. 4 Oct 1969 in Alexandria - married to Edwarde LADE; Della KAUFMAN, b. 19 Jan 1903, d. Nov 1983 - married a SHEAR; Bertha KAUFMAN, b. 14 Aug 1896 - married Robert H. FRITZ. The sisters were daughters of Emil KAUFMAN and Ottilie SOMMERFELD and were born in Eldorado Township, Trail County, ND.
Looking for any information on Chester and Ruth Owen, class of 1913, Alexandria High School; also their younger sister, Annie C. Owen, class of 1916. These children probably boarded with families in Alexandria during the school year as their father, Wm Henry Owen and wife Cora Blanche Jones owen, farmed around Hoffman (Land Township, Grant Co.). They were there at least until 1916; I don't know where the family went after that as they were apparently gone by 1920. Not sure if Chester was in WWI or maybe died during the 1918 flue epidemic? Will share all I know about this family and his siblings. Any info appreciated.
I am looking for ancestors of Lewis S. Hill who lived in Alexandria right after the Civil War. Most specifically, I am trying to piece together Lulu Hill, his duaghter, and her son who was born 11/23/1896 in Alexandria. I am unable to track down a father for the son. Any information on how the child ended up for adoption would be appreciated.
I am looking for birth records or other information about my husband's grandfather, Burton Edward RUGGLES. Burton was born in either Osakis, Douglas County or Long Prairie, Todd County. Apparantly the family farm was on the border between the two counties so there is some confusion about place of birth. His date of birth was September 1, 1904 and his parents were John Archibald RUGGLES and Violet Dell GRAY. Any help you can give me will be appreciated.
My GGGrandparents Erik and Tilda BUUMALA were living in Urness, Douglas Co., MN after 1884 with their three children, Lizzie, John and Mina. While there two more children were born, Joel on Apr 15, 1890 and Anna born on May 12, 1892. I know they were in Michigan before moving to Douglas Co. and later went to No. Dakota. They originally came from Finland. Is there anything you can tell me about this family during their stay in Douglas County?
My grandfather, Ole Jacobson HAGEN, emigrated from Norway in 1884. He said to have first lived with "relatives in Douglas County." His mother, Ambjor O. Hagen, emigrated in 1885. Her passenger list indictes she was going to "Evansville" (possibly the one in Douglas County). Is there any mention of either of them in the 1885 census of Douglas County?
James H. LUCAS, b. Rome, NY, m. Jennie(y) TOMPKINS, b. Chicago, IL. Three daughters: Laura, Ethel, and Hattie, my grandmother b. 1881, St. Paul, MN. James was photographer for New York Gallery in St. Paul, MN during the 1880's. Also took pictures on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. Father's name possibly Charles LUCAS. Looking for any information on the LUCAS family history. I have no details on him after the late 1880's.
I am looking for information on my ancestor, William Brown HILL, a Seventh Day Adventist minister. He wrote a book called "Experiences of a Pioneer Minister" dated 1892. Towards the end of the book he states that he and his wife, Emma Jane (TOWN) HILL were living in Osakis, MN at the time of the publication of this book. I would like to know if William Brown HILL might have died in Douglas Co., MN. I know he moved around quite a bit and have been unable to find his final resting place. And if it is not too much trouble, would you happen to have any information on his children: Allen Emmer HILL, Frank HILL, Fred HILL, Ella HILL and Nellie HILL. I know that Nellie and Ella were living in Osakis in 1892 but that is all I know about them. Thank you very much.