1997 Queries

December 20, 1997

I am researching my paternal grandfather, Frank Emil Gustov FRITZ, he was born
about 1876. I know he had a brother Theodore of Carlos. He married Marie Bertha ZIEBELL, who came from Miltona, Minnesota. My father, Bennie Julius Frank Fritz was born in Carlos. Smokey2269@aol.com

COMMENTS: Some information located. E-mail address came back "undeliverable". If the submitter of this query would please verify the e-mail address, the information can be sent. Thanks.

December 20, 1997

Searching for the GERES/GERIS family. Nicholas, Lawrence, Henry, Martin, Lena and Theodore Geres were living in Riverdale Twp in 1870. No Geres/Geris in Douglas Cty in 1880??? Actualy their name was KERIS/KERENS, they were all born in the Netherlands
and immigrated to Minnesota in 1862. I have no information on them prior than 1870. Hope you can help me in this, many thanks in advance greetings

Irma Lommen - Salden irmalommen@ilimburg.nl

COMMENTS: Information gathered and researched by the Douglas County Genealogical Society and the Douglas County Historical Society; sent to Irma. Still looking for Martin and Theodore GERIS!

J.W.Bedell Sat Jan 25 11:53:09 1997
John Partridge and his wife Ann (nee Gunn) lived with two or more sons in or near Evansville, Douglas County from 1869 to 1878.After Ann died John returned to St. Thomas (or Fingal), Ontario. One son. (James ? or Richard?? or both) went to California, another (Phillip remained in Minnesota until at least 1900. Are there any descendents of John Partridge living in or near Evansville at this time ? If affirmative would appreciated phone number, mailing address and/or E-mail address

Michelle Vick Sun Jan 26 00:41:45 1997
I am trying to locate information about my mothers family. Her maden name was Fritz. My grandparrents names were Ben & Freida Fritz. I have no idea as to how many children they had because there was tramatic deaths in the family. My mother who wishes not to talk about it has not been much help. The Fritz's lived in Alexandria, MN

COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by Douglas County Genealogical Society.

Janni Belgum Fri Jan 31 13:22:25 1997
I am looking for information on my grandmother's family. She was born Edna Torgerson and married Olaf Belgum. She died in 1937. She had relatives in Alexandria that I met in 1962 but did not keep in touch with. Her mother was Isabella and her father Knute Torgerson- I do have their pictures but no information on them.

Leslie F. Royce Sat Feb 1 17:30:37 1997
Interested in locating any family members from Andrew and Belle ROYCE (1855-1900+) from the Douglas county, MM. area. They had the following 7 children: Archibald Royce b. Aug 1881; Howard Royce b. Mar 1886; Warren Royce b. Jan 1888; Gerry Royce b. 23 Nov 1891; Henry Royce b. Oct 1893; Frank Royce b. Dec. 1896; and Florence Royce b. Mar 1899. My husband's grandfather was Gerry Wilson Royce (1891-1967). He died in Minneapolis and is buried in the military cemetery nearby. Know very little of the family. Have some information and photos to share. Please reply. Thank you. Leslie F. Royce

COMMENTS: Preliminary search by Douglas County Genealogical Society failed to find any information.

Darlene Joyce Thu Feb 20 15:14:08 1997
Do local histories exist for any of these counties? Howard Lake, MN

COMMENTS: Information on availability of county histories for the Howard Lake area was sent by the Douglas County Genealogical Society.

Jan Lipsiea Sat Feb 22 20:49:40 1997
Am trying to find information on George W. Dixon and his wife Della. It's believed her maiden name was Stewart. George was a blacksmith. They lived in Alexandria Village in 1886, where their son Alva Ward Dixon was born 30 January. It's believed there were at least 2 other children, both boys, one named Edward and the other possibly Percy. Would like any information of any kind re this family. Thanks in advance.

COMMENTS: A preliminary search by the DCGS found nothing on George Dixon family.

Susan Laubenheimer Sun Mar 2 07:39:59 1997
Looking for Bugge family who settled on farm in Douglas County c.1870. Jens Bugge and his wife Karn(Karen) Fraas emirated from Norway. Their oldest child Jens was born in Norway. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by the DCGS.

Ted Marmo Mon Mar 3 23:09:31 1997
I am looking for death information about Amander and Minnie E.(Andrus) SILVERTHORN. They may be buried in Kincaid (?) cemetery in Alexandria, Douglas Co, MN around the 1930s. Any help will be appreciated. (They appear in the 1920 census as residents of Alexandria.)

COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by DCGS.

J. Ben Tharaldson Thu Jan 30 19:12:17 1997
I'm looking for members of the OVERSTAD family. My great-great- grandfather's name was Ole Overstad. He married a Clara Bredesen possibly in Douglas county. They had at least one child, Herman Arnold Overstad, who had a farm between Alex and Glenwood for many years. If you have info. on this family, please email me.

Cynthia Theusch Sun Mar 23 10:50:54 1997
Looking for information on PIKULIKS. Family came to Douglas County in 1889. Antonia PIKULIK married Ignatz KROLL. Had 4 children who came with her. Klara, Michael, Stephen, and ?. The one unidentified married A. KUHN. Unable to locate information on Stephan. Located him in 1895 on the State Census--can't find him after that.

COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by DCGS. Still looking for information on Stephan.

Neil  E. Barber Tue Apr 1 15:08:15 1997
Charles Arthur BENSON (Karl August BENGSTON), was born 21 Jan 1860 in Halmstad, Halland, Sweden. He came to the US on 12 Mar 1880. He briefly paused in Chicago, and then settled in Alexandria, Minnesota. He served for a time as a street car conductor in Minneapolis, and then was the owner of several general stores in the Alexandria area. He was married to Augusta Sophia Roseland (Carlsson), and they had six children, all born in Alexandria, Florence Sophia (my mother), William Arthur, Carl Harvey, Alice Pauline, Marguerite Mildred, and Raymond Edward. Florence Benson taught school in the Alexandria area. The family next moved to Patterson, Stanislaus County, CA where Charles Arthur became a farmer raising almonds and apricots. He died on 17 Mar 1944 in Patterson; the children married and settled in various parts of CA and NV. Johannes Bengston (my great grandfather) was born 10 Jul 1823 in Halland, Sweden; he lived in Halmstad. He married Anna Christina Johansdotter 28 Sep 1859; he (they?) came to the US on 5 May 1880, and he died 6 Apr 1909 in Litchfield, MN. I am most anxious to receive any information which is available concerning Charles Arthur Benson, and his father, Johannes Bengston, and their relatives. Thanks.

Cheron Gibson Frazier Sun May 25 16:12:08 1997
JONES. Looking for JONES family members in Douglas County and/or Todd County and/or Rice County. RICHMOND JONES, emigrated from Maine to Walcott, Rice County, 1854. Died in Walcott, Minn., June 1883, buried there in the Union Cemetery. First wife, ACHSA P. GAMMON JONES, killed by lightning July 1854, and buried in the Medford, Minn. cemetery. Two sons, CHARLES A. JONES and EBEN PITTS JONES. Second wife, RHODA H. BEAMAN JONES, died February 1907 at Farribault, Minn., and buried in the Union Cemetery, Walcott, Minn. Son, CHARLES A JONES, served in 1st Minnesota Reg. Heavy Artillery Vol. in Civil War 1865. First wife, FRANCES IRENE COATES JONES. Children: Arthur Asa Jones (born May 1873, (Lake?) Miltona, Douglas County, Minn.) and Martha, Maude, Ella, and Ray Jones. Second wife, MARTHA GREEN JONES. Children: Eban, Horace, Harrison, Harlan, Troy, and Abbie. THANK YOU, Cheron Gibson Frazier

Carol Clapshaw Mon May 26 18:21:09 1997
My husband's father was born in Carlos, Minnesota. His name was Clifford Clapshaw he was born August 21, 1911. His mother's name was Maggie Cooper and his father was Arthur Clapshaw. Does anyone have information on the Clapshaw family?

Lisa Battern Tue May 27 18:20:56 1997
Researching NYHUS, NEWHOUSE, NATTESTAD, TILLESKJOR, LANDRU, MELCHER in MN. Kittle c. NYHUS 1809-1874 m. Kari K. NATTESTAD 1819-1881. Son Ole K. NYHUS 1846-1905 m. Mina Olava TILLESKJOR 1863-1918. Also son Christian K. NYHUS 1849-1932, Anna NYHUS 1855-?, and Knute NYHUS 1862-?. Ole's son Clarence NEWHOUSE 1896-1944 m. Amy Mabel "Mimi" LANDRU 1898-1986. Also sons Oskar O., Karl Johans and daughter Kari Oline NEWHOUSE. The only place names I have are Brandon, Alexandrian and Fergus Falls.

Judy Faulkner McGuire Mon Jun 30 07:00:45 1997
I am looking for information on James FAULKNER who married Julia MALONEY in 1889, farmed in Leaf Valley, Douglas County, and died in 1918.

COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by DCGS.

Mark Peters Mon Aug 11 22:41:23 1997
I am looking for information on any of these families 1 John Ulrick Peters. Born 1889 in Hallock MN. Died 23 Jan 1942 in Vancouver BC. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Burnaby, B. C, Canada. He married Christina Nordstrom, 20 May 1916 in Parkside, Saskachewan. John U Peters was born John Louis Peterson son of Andrew Peterson. Andrew was born in Alexandria, Minnesota, died near Oscar Lake in Douglas County of complications from a logging accident. He married Anna Nordstrom who was born in Lancaster, Minnesota. Anna Nordstrom was the daughter of Sven Nordstrom. He married Brita.

David V. Earl Fri Aug 15 15:56:37 1997
Looking for information on Johannes Tilleskjor family,who lived in Goodhue County about 1880-1883, then moved to Douglas County and bought a farm near Brandon,MN near Alexandria.Any information on the history of my Great-granfather in Goodhue County Would be greatly appreciated.

Chris Norton Tue Aug 19 20:26:07 1997
PICKETT. I am looking for any info on Hiram Pickett. His son, Charles Leroy Pickett was born in Alexandria, DOUGLAS COUNTY, MN on Mar 19, 1881. Any Picketts related? Hiram married Temperance Olivia Payson but I do not know where. All I know is Charles was born in MN. If anyone can help get a copy of his birth certificate, I would appreciate it as he is my grandfather. I can pay for a copy. Please contact me with any info relating to Pickett. Thanks. Chris

COMMENTS: birth record located and sent by DCGS. No other information located on Hiram Pickett.

Richard M. Toombs Sat Sep 13 11:57:28 1997
Searching for infomation on TOOMBS family members from Douglas county. John Swaby TOOMBS, born 8 Apr 1852, married Ida Mae BARNETT Sarah Jane PURDY (Toombs) born 9 Oct 1849, Married William PURDY Elizabeth(Toombs) born 1 May 1857, married Lambert Webster MEYERS Cora HAYHURST (Toombs) born 16 Apr 1886 would like contact with any member of Douglas County Genealogical Society. Thank You

Olivia Holt Tue Sep 16 11:09:01 1997
Researching the surnames DEBORD, DANIELS, FAILLE, and CURTIS in Douglas and Todd Counties 1870-1910.

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