Kenneth Swipies 30 April 1998
Looking for any information regarding George W. THORPE who resided in Douglas County, MN from approximately 1869 or 1870 til his time of death. He came from Stevens Point, WI. He had a son named John THORPE. The homestead was located in the Parkers Prairie area and was deeded to him 30 Sep 1884 by the U.S. Dept. of Land and was recorded in the Douglas County Office of Register of Deeds on 16 Jul 1889, Book J of Deeds, pg. 640, No. 4087 or 40-87. Also, would like information on John THORPE, b. 1887 in Douglas County, died 24 Aug 1964 and was married to Florence KUHNE 24 Oct 1911. I would appreciate any historical information you may have on these two parties. COMMENTS: researched and information sent by Douglas County Genealogical Society.
John Strom 17 April 1998
I am looking for information on any STROM's in the area. List of obits emailed; no response from submitter.
Jennifer Lorsung 16 April 1998
I am looking for any information on the Anton KOEPLIN and Mary ROERS family. They had 10 children: Anna, Edmund, Eleanor, Lydia, Catherine, Clara, Ethel, Mary, Ray, and Veronica. I am looking for the birth and death dates, locations of birth and burial, the parents names, etc. of Anton and Mary. I know that some of the children, if not all, were born in the Millerville, MN area. I also need the birth dates of the children. Any information that you can help me with would be greatly appreciated.
Jim Woodyard 14 April 1998
Looking for a William McABOY and wife Lenndey ATKINS McABOY, married in Meigs Co., OH 6 Dec 1833. I have a photo of them cir. 1880 from a studio in Alexandria, MN. I know some of my grandmothers family relocated to MN.
COMMENTS: information researched and sent by DCGS.
Nadine Coles 11 April 1998
Seeking any info about George and Ida CANTLIN GRESTY (b. 1893 in IL). I know they lived in Osakis in 1943. Ida is the daughter of James CANTLIN (b. 1847) and Mary AUMILLER (b. 1859). Would appreciate any additional information: did they have children, are they bured in Osakis? Will be glad to exchange info. COMMENTS: Obit found for George; no children. Please provide mailing address and the DCGS will send obit.
Ronald Johnson 2 April 1998
John and Anna ASPROT: probably moved to around Garfield in Douglas Co., around or before 1910. John ASPROT was born 8 Oct 1847 in Sweden and probably died in Garfield or LaGrand before 1920. Anna (maiden name unknown) was born 18 Nov 1840 in Sweden; died 11 May 1926 in Douglas Co. She had been living with her daughter Selma Asprot-RICKSON and her family. Selma's oldest daughter, Anna RICKSON, married Edwin LIND, probably between 1920 and 1927. Edwin LIND died as a result of a hunting accident; I believe in April 1926 or 1927 and I believe he was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Alexandria. Would appreciate any information on ASPROT, RICKSON, LIND families.
Marcia Rice 30 March 1998
Researching Matthias PORTZ, believed died in Douglas County, MN. Also researching Nicholas MAGER and his wife Margaret PORTZ. Any any information on these individuals appreciated.
Jannette L. Hendricks 25 March 1998
Please contact me if you recognize or are tracking Vera BARTLETT (b. circa 1875) who married Louis MIELKE (b. 05 May 1870 in West Prussia) on 9 June 1908 in Alexandria, Douglas Co., MN. They were married by Rev. Alfred A. Secord. Witnesses were August and Myrtle KOLENENSKE. They had the following children: Albert, Louis, Jr and Eunice MIELKE. Believe all children born in Douglas Co. Trying to find relatives or others who might be able to help me. Also would like information on Mrs. Carl (Caroline) BELTZ, Sr. who was alive in 1900 in Alexandria; trying to confirm that her maiden name was MIELKE. She was by GGGrand Aunt. Thanks.
Alice Achter 22 March 1998
Would you please check your indexes for the marriage of Bruce COLEMAN and Ida HAKANSON; they married in Urness Township 8 June 1909. COMMENTS: DCGS verified marriage with court house records and newspaper clipping located. Information sent.
Cory Albright 18 March 1998
I would be interested in knowing the land description of the farm homesteaded by Rheinhart Botner in Moe Township. Also interested in cemetery records for Corelius & Maren Botner who settled in Moe Township. COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by DCGS.
Cynthia Theusch 17 March 1998
Looking for information on PIKULIKS. We can find nothing on Stephen PIKULIK past having located him on the 1885 MN State Census. He came with his mother, Antonia PIKULIK and siblings, Klara, Michael, and Rosalia. Antonia married Ignatz KROLL. Klara married Anthon THEUSCH. Rosalia married Rochus FRISKE. COMMENTS: Information sent previously by the DCGS on the Pikulik family but still nothing found on Steven.
Michael Horen 16 March 1998
Looking for any information available for the following: John B. HOREN, b. Belle River 27 Jan 1873. Married Maude GONSER of Spruce Hill. John's parents were William and Anora HOREN. Maude was the daughter of Samuel F. GONSER and Clara STECKER. These are my paternal grandparents. John and Maude moved to Woodside in Otter Tail Co., then to Hewitt in Todd Co., and finally to Bemidji in Beltrami Co. Any help would be appreciated.COMMENTS: some information located and sent by researchers from the Douglas County Genealgoical Society.
Jannette L. Hendricks 15 March 1998
Please contact me if you recognize any of the following peoople who were living in or around Alexandria,MN as of 1906: Charles BELTZ, Ferdinand BELTZ, Herman BELTZ, Hannah FRANKLIN, or Amelia TONN. I am connected to all of them and am trying to understand how. It is very possible that all are siblings. Would like to exchange/share family history information. Thanks so much.
Keith Thorstad 5 March 1998
John C. Thorstad was possibly a sheriff of Douglas County and his ancestors could have come from Wisconsin. Any information on these peoople would be appreciated. COMMENTS: Obit found for John C. Thorstad; was sheriff in middle 1880's. Born in WI. Info sent by DCGS.
Mark Ehrlichmann 5 March 1998
Seek info on my Grandmother's work experience as governess for the Jacobson family between 1914 and 1916. The Jacobson family owned or operated the Farmer's State Bank on 6th and Broadway and lived on Lake Geneva. This information came from my late father. Grandmother's name was Olga BUETHNER. She would have been about 16 yrs. old. COMMENTS: Nothing found in city directories; no census taken in 1915.
Barb Rogers 4 March 1998
I am looking for information on the LUCAS and WARD families of the Douglas Co. area. I found a Dilia LUCAS, aged 85 yrs., living in Alexandria Village in 1905 and she had been a resident of that enumeration district for 12 yrs. and 8 mo. prior to 1905. I believe she is my gg grandmother. I have also found the following peoople on various census's, living with her at different times: Mary LUCAS, George LUCAS, Charles LUCAS, m. Alice? My g grandparents. Their children were Clifford LUCAS, Mazzie LUCAS, Tressie LUCAS, Frances LUCAS, Annabell LUCAS, Paul LUCAS, George LUCAS, Alice LUCAS, Vivian LUCAS, Katherine LUCAS, and Margaret LUCAS. Tressie LUCAS married Clarence WARD 11 Nov 1913 in Cass Co., MN and later lived in Alexandria. Both are buried in Kinkead Cemetery. Looking for any information on these surnames from this area. Thanks. COMMENTS: information located and sent by Douglas County Genealogical Society researchers.
Judy Grube 4 March 1998
Looking for background on Carl GRUBE and wife Augusta. They are buried in the cemetery behind the Big Ole statue...Kincaid? Carl GRUBE b. 9 Jul 1841, d. 5 Feb 1927. Their children listed in the Douglas Co. 1920 Census: Martin, Mita, Herman, and Theodore. Belive Carl GRUBE'S parent to be Carl GRUBE and Dorothy (maiden name unknown). Martin is my husband's grandfather. Thanks in advance. COMMENTS: Information researched and sent by the DCGS.
Glenard Peterson 2 March 1998
I'm from the HANSON-LUND Family. My uncle was C.F. Hanson. If you know about any Lunds in the area, I was wondering if they still had a reunion at Detroit Lakes. I'm staying with my daughter in Kona, Hawaii. Thank you. Also a branch of the John PETERSON family. COMMENTS: no research requested; photo of house where Mr. Hanson lived was requested - sent by DCGS.
Warren Tisdale 2 March 1998
Interested to find more information on Edward LEE, born 25 Aug 1886 in Alexandria. Died 17 June 1963. His wife was Feme Josephine THOMPSON, b. 18 Sept 1889 and died 13 May 1963. Also, any information on Edward Lee's siblings would be of help. Thanks from sunny Tucson.COMMENTS: birth record for Edward and one sister located by DCGS, along with 2 marriage records.
Sam Webber 28 February 1998
Pete and Inga PEDERSON living in Hudson Township from 1890-1910. Any information on this family will be appreciated. COMMENTS: Census records for Hudson Township searched by DCGS; no Pederson family located.
Andrew Schuster 26 February 1998
I am researching the LANGHAUSEN family from Millerville. Nicholas Langhausen immigrated to the Millerville area between 1868 and 1870 with his wife Eva Katrina and children Peter Joseph, Jacob, Peter, Clement, Anthony, John, and Eva (my great-grandmother). Most of the family moved to Alberta, Canada around 1895. However, Peter Joseph (I believe he died 14 Aug 1935 in Alexandria) remained in Douglas County. He had four children that I know of: Eva, Anna, Nicholas, and Joseph (I believe he died Apr 1976). Can anybody verify the information above. Do you know of any living descendants of Peter Joseph Langhausen? Do you know who Eva and Anna Langhausen married? I would appreciate any assistance that you may offer. COMMENTS: information researched and sent by DCGS
Janni Belgum 26 February 1998
I am looking for information on my great-grandparents, Knute (b. 1850)and Isabelle TORGERSONwho lived in Alexandria. I believe that they came from Norway via WI because I have individual pictures of them from Stoughton, WI. I believe Isabelle died in 1931.
COMMENTS: Information located and sent by DCGS.
Penny Gudgel 19 February 1998
Am looking for NORLANDER and GREKO (JOHNSON) families and history. All came from Sweden and settled in Lund Township. Any information, whoever distant, would be extremely helpful. ANY CLUES?
Henry Berg 12 February 1998
Seek info. on descendants of Ole TORKILDSEN, b. Sigdal Norway 1821 and wife Berit OLSDR, b. Eggedal, Norway 1825. Immigrated to USA 1857, settled briefly in Spring Grove, MN, but moved in 1860's to Douglas Co., MN. They had 13 children. Those children living in 1924 were Mrs. Helge SOLIAH, Fergus Falls, MN; Mrs. Nels ARNTSON, Alexandria, MN; Mrs. Haldor NESTOR, Opportunity, WA: Narve OLSON, Alexandria, MN: Thosten OLSEN, Alexandria, MN: and Olaves OLSON, Alexandria, MN. Have information I can share on the ancestry of both Ole and Berit.COMMENTS: some information located and sent by DCGS on Mrs. Nels Arnston, Thosten Olson and Narve Olson.
Vicki Collins 12 February 1998
We're tring to find information for a deceased family of ours. Karl or Carl KRAUSE (first name was spelled both ways) arrived in USA June 25, 1889 and became a citizen in 1895. He is buried in Carlos Zunker cemetery somewhere, April 10, 1853. His brothers and sisters are Samuel, August, Amelia, Adolph, Attilie, Henrietta, Emily, and Emilie Krause. We know very little about any of them. Any information would be appreciated.COMMENTS: researched and information sent by Douglas County Genealgoical Society.
Jackie Rudolph 12 February 1998
Samuel THOMPSON is buried In Kinkead Cemetery (DOB 26 May 1904). Next to his headstone which is simply marked "Samuel" there is a G.A.R. marker. I would like to know who is responsible for putting that marker there and what information (service record) do they have on Samuel Thompson to justify putting that marker there. There is another Samuel THOMPSON in Kinkead Cemetery who is buried alongside of his wife and son and I'm wondering if there wasn't a mistake made in marking by great-great grandfather's grave. Thanks for any information.
COMMENTS: No information has been located, as of 19 Feb 1998, to verify that either of the above Samuel Thompsons were in the Civil War. DCGS.
Vivian January 24, 1998
I am trying to trace my grandfather, Peter Uno LINDSTROM. I have a copy of the Minnesota State Census - 1885 - County of DOUGLAS but it only says he came from Sweden. I would like to know how I can find out where in Sweden he came from. Also any other information about anyone with the name Lindstrom would be appreciated.Many thanks.
COMMENT: Douglas County Historical Society has sent some information.
John Hamrick II January 24, 1998
Seeking information on my deceased father's side of the family. My father's name is John F. HAMRICK, born 1920 & died 1950. Records show that he was married on February 11, 1946 to Agnes O. LARSON or Agnes O.HEINN, in Pasco, WA. Agnes was born approx. 1926 and is from Douglas Co. MN. Her mother's first name may be Lorraine. A witness listed on the marriage document was Wayne LARSON. My research shows that my dad and Agnes had a son, Russell D. HAMRICK, born in Pasco, WA sometime around 1946 and 1950. Any help in identifying links or making connections would be appreciated.
COMMENTS: Information sent by Douglas County Historical Society.
Seeking info on Soloman E BREES and family and Alvina CASE family. They made up a wagon train that left Owatonna, Steele Co., MN on 29 April 1878 and traveld to English Grove, Douglas Co, Mn. Please contact me if any info is available, thank you. COMMENTS: Information sent by Douglas County Historical Society
Steve and Shannon Pettis11 Jan 1998
Looking for information on the following individuals and/or families: John OSTLUND, b. abt 1900 in Brandon. Married Ella Pearl NORDIN, b. 5 Jul 1910 in Brandon.COMMENTS: no marriage locate by DCGS for John & Pearl nor his birth. A few obits for other Ostlunds but none that link to the John listed in the query.